Pastor caught having sex with pregnant sheep in Ghana

Residents ofAbesim are in a state of shock and disbelief following the bizarre news which broke last Friday about a self-styled evangelist who was caught red-handed having sexual intercourse with a pregnant sheep.
The weird news spread like wildfire and attracted a huge crowd that thronged the Abesim police station to catch a glimpse of the pastor and his sheep ‘wife’.
According to the police, Pastor Gordon Yeboah confessed at the station to having sexual intercourse with the animal, claiming that when he saw the sheep, he experienced an unusual feeling within him, prompting him to have sex with the animal. Pastor Yeboah, 20, a father of a seven-month-old baby, who claims to be the leader of the Holy Spirit Ministry Fellowship church based at Yeboakrom near Abesim, was caught in the act, bonking the poor pregnant sheep at a village called Ampehia near Nkrankrom in the Abesim area on Thursday evening.
The very loud bleating of the sheep as a result of the possible excruciating pains it was suffering in the abnormal act did not bother the ‘man of God’ who was bent on unleashing his libido on the animal, until he was finally caught in the act
The police said the pregnant sheep was sent to the Veterinary Service for examination, a report of which is yet to be released, whilst investigations are ongoing. The pastor is currently in police custody and would be charged with unnatural carnal knowledge under Section 104 (1) of the Criminal Offences Act, 1960 (Act 29).
The farmer told the police in his statement that he saw the pastor half-naked as he raised the two hind legs of the pregnant sheep, inserted his manhood into the sex organ of the animal and had sexual intercourse with it. The farmer said he initially thought the pastor was attempting to steal the sheep which was tied to a tree behind the house, but after observing what was unfolding, he realised that the pastor was actually having sex with the animal
According to the police, Pastor Yeboah confessed at the station to having sexual intercourse with the animal. Chief Inspector Gumenu advised the general public to be wary of self-styled ‘men of God’ who claimed to have gotten supernatural powers to do miracles. He asked the public to report miscreants to the police when they suspect them to be of questionable character.
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